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It may be more convenient to use this form depending on what you want to do next grouped = GroupBy[data, First -> Last] E.g. {Mean@#, Median@#, StandardDeviation@#} & /@ grouped
Which is best depends on what you mean by "best", your subject matter, and your objective. Because you appear to be selecting between a Gamma and a Nakagami distribution, I would assume that there is no theoretical reason for either. As Henrik...
Dear Jari, very nice, thanks for sharing! I am always amazed by your ideas and creativity! With best regards, Alex
Hi Vitaliy, Thank you for the nice post. Is there any application of this issue in environmental or civil engineering? Thank you for your time. Cheers,
Thanks for your time and waiting for your reply
Hello Prof. Ghorbani, I guess for `SequencePredict[]` you rather need a bunch of sequences ... Regards -- Henrik
I am tied up with other stuff. Eventually, I will get to it. Please use my Email to contact me. Best regards, Housam
Thank you very much Navvye.
I read interesting post [3D human pose estimation using machine learning][1] from [@Fizza Rubab][at0] It is is really a neat work. Congrats. I am a water engineer and would like to estimate river water velocity using a video file. So I dropped...
Thank you so much, Jim. I appreciate your time.