User Portlet
Discussions |
I think it could, but generally the problem of memorization is not too serious a one in modern neural net development, is my understanding. The ideal would be that the net builds a good model of what traffic flow looks like, and as long as there's a... |
One quick note as I take a peak into this thread—the comparatively new [ARPublish][1] may be a "halfway point" between students actually having 3D models and staring at models on a 2D screen (though interactivity is certainly a big deal!). ![enter... |
Glad the recordings are proving valuable! I'm sure the coming sessions will have even more useful information for you to put into practice. |
Hey Soomi! No final exam for this—just a quiz! (Also, I see your emails coming in but I'm way behind on everything that isn't Data Science Boot Camp right now!) |
Hi all! Wolfram U has been running our Computational Xplorations course for a long while now, and we've recently updated it with exciting new workflows primarily from the [Wolfram Language Example Repository][1]. The end result of this update is that... |
Thanks for pointing this out, Lori! When I updated the question, the number of answer choices changed and messed up the key—but I'd failed to notice it. It should be fixed soon. |
![enter image description here][1] Hi everybody! Just about one month from now, our [online Neural Networks Boot Camp][2] will begin. This two-week boot camp will feature lectures from Wolfram instructors and developers from the machine learning... |
Hi everybody! We're just about to get started with Abdul Ghani's talk on avoiding London traffic by applying graph theory to data from images taken with traffic light cameras. |
Hi Mitch—if you could remind me of this next Wednesday, I would be happy to take a thorough look. I'm off for the next ~week, so can't check in the meantime. What I can at least say re: your comment is that `CubeRoot` and `^1/3` *shouldn't* return... |
Gotcha! The only cell-view switch I know about is cmd+shift+E, which shows the full cell expression, but—by default, at least—it doesn't show full context information. Dan is currently on holiday, but he should be able to provide you with a more... |