User Portlet User Portlet

At the moment GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 are all you can choose from in v13.3. But if you look in the app's Settings/AI Settings you'll see that support for Claude and Bard are on their way. ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
I've just tried this now in Mathematica 13.0.1 (OSX) using the code in the example notebook and get this error when I try to mint the NFT: BlockchainTransaction::invprm: -250000+1000000000 lovelace is not a valid "Amount". I've filed a bug report.
What we're all hoping for, of course, Mark, is that you will afterwards show us how to solve this riddle computationally :-)
For those interested in recent approaches to sentiment and emotion mining of literary texts (and arguably one could include Russel's letters in this group), [this survey][1] provides an overview. [1]:
Thx – got the video but I still see a 403 'permission denied' error when trying to access the script.
This is simply a fantastic resource thank you! Not even included in the table of contents above is an additional (nearly 50 page) section at the end of the textbook with ideas for further digital humanities projects and experiments often linking...
Hi George, I was very surprised and pleased to see your post on the topic of historical dates (and by extension, historical places). Two important and complex topics. I've so far only skimmed over your post and notebook but will get back to you with...
Take a look at With this, you can download YouTube videos as (typically) MP4 or MKV files and then extract the audio from this. AFAIK can also run youtube-dl with a flag to just capture the audio portion.
See the end of the Preface (and adapt the URL to correct the typesetting..).
On the off chance that you're a Mac user, take a look at