User Portlet User Portlet

BoB LeSuer
Most of my Mathematica projects require operability on both Windows and Raspberry Pi platforms. The redesigned ScheduledTasks[] framework introduced in 11.2 is not yet available on the Raspberry Pi. I used ScheduledTasks to automate some processes...
Recently, I've been working on a project called Mandy, an interactive periodic table that displays different element trends depending on what the user says to her. The Raspberry Pi/Mathematica duo has played a very strong role in all aspects of the...
Terribly slow, although functional when working w/o graphics. Benchmarking the zero takes 2131 seconds compared to the Pi2 which is 893 and the V3 which is 454. All of these results are with version 10.3.1 from the beginning of the year.
Two possible problems here. First, you may be using the WiringPi numbering scheme and Mathematica expects the BCM number. Second, the documentation does not state that GPIO 27 is accessible (it was not available in the early Pi versions and I do...
Having thought for about 30 seconds, `sudo apt-get install --reinstall libxmu6` does the trick
Thanks for bringing the issue up. I have seen it myself but since the 3D graphics performance still needs some tweaking, I haven't bothered debugging. Glad to hear that the 16-24 bit color fix is an easy one to implement.
FYI, I can replicate your results. On RPi v2 with 10.3 I get a score of 0.015 with a time of ~ 900s and the time is cut in half for the v3 with a score of 0.03. I'm pleasantly surprised that 2D graphics in a manipulate on a v3 are acceptably smooth...
*Note: This post is originally from [my website](, but I thought it might be of interest to some WC readers as well.* The [Go!...
The intro screen on the Raspberry Pi version of Mathematica contains links to the online documentation, the Wolfram website and the Wolfram community forum. Often, I find myself closing my notebooks and thinking there's one other thing I'd like to...
Not a Wolfram solution (would be cool) but [this project]( proclaims to have debian packages, which suggests that it might be workable on a RPi.