User Portlet User Portlet

Bryan Lettner
![enter image description here][1] This video explains the method: Not sure if it's technically a fractal. Mostly just used `Graphics` and `Circle`. Here is a slower version of the first few iterations: ...
![enter image description here][1] Same principle as a previous [post][2], but added some visual aids to make it more intuitive. Drastically resized due to filesize limits, download full-size GIF [here][3] . Also had some fun with the colors and...
Most fractals utilize the same rule at each iteration. For example, the Sierpinski Triangle continues to divide in the same manner at each step: ![enter image description here][1] The challenge is to create a fractal (any kind you wish) where...
I'm looking to define a variable or function (let's call it `I'`), similar to `I` , such that `I'^n` takes on user-defined values. For conventional `I` : Table[I^n, {n, 10}] {I, -1, -I, 1, I, -1, -I, 1, I, -1} But I would like to...
![enter image description here][1] The rule is simple: 1. Start with n-points in any arbitrary configuration. 2. Connect every point to every other point with a line. 3. Draw a point where any *new* intersections occur. 4. These...
Is there a way to specify how overlapping plots are displayed? Graphics[{Thickness[0.002], Line[{{{0, 0}, {5, 5}}, {{1, 1}, {4, 4}}, {{2, 2}, {3, 3}}}]}] ![enter image description here][1] It's subtle, but overlapping portions of the lines...
I'm working with a variation of the Mandelbrot set which works for the initial iterations but not for the higher ones: mandelPlotOriginal[iterations_, plotpts_] := RegionPlot[ Abs[Nest[(#^2 - y - x I) &, -y - x I, iterations]] ...
![enter image description here][1] Here we see some alternate views and versions of the shape governed by: ![enter image description here][2] One is rotating one way, and the same shape of opposite chirality is rotating the other way. I've...
Is there a way to parallelize a Tally of a large list? For example: list = ParallelTable[{RandomChoice[Range[100]], RandomChoice[Range[100]]}, 100000000]; Tally[list] The Tally takes ~92 seconds. ![enter image description here][1] ...
I am working with recursive prime sequences of the form Prime[Prime[Prime[Prime[n]]]] Unfortunately, the values get large fast, and the Prime[n] function tops out at around Prime[8trillion]. ![enter image description here][1] Is there...