User Portlet User Portlet

Can you list the rows that you want? Without evaluating your phi function, just list the values for each {l,q,m} that you want and how many of those you want and what order you want them in. Perhaps with that someone can reverse engineer how to...
This [WA Link][1] seems to work with fourth order, but the time interval that it solves over and the stepsize appears to change each time you retry the calculation. Try it a few times until it looks like it has included x=1 and the stepsize is...
Ah. Then PlotRange was a good guess for the cause of this. The precise behavior of plotting, with or without PlotRange, has always been a little uncertain.
Please show what eqn30 and eqn31 are so that I can understand what you are trying to do. Then please try eq32 = (eq31 /. t -> (T - t))*eq30 eq33 = eq32 /. A1->Sqrt[Dc] F1 \[Lambda] eqn34 = eqn33 /. (Dp*\[Theta]c)/(Dc-Dp)->A3 ...
If you look below the sinh^-1 result you will see WolframAlpha also provides an alternate form of the result as a log
This Solve[{a==2*c,a+2*b==3*c+d,a==2*d,b==c},{a,b,c}] or even just this {a==2*c, a+2*b==3*c+d, a==2*d, b==c} [WA link][1] appear to work. Assignments to named variables, especially names of more than a single character, have...
Perhaps Solve[ReplaceAll[y==3 x+2, {x :> r Cos[?], y :> r Sin[?]}], r][[1, 1]] /. Rule[p_, q_] -> Equal[p, q] But I am not certain that is always going to provide the result in the form you want.
If the details of the formatting of the web page will not change often then a little bit of list and string hacking might work h[s_] := If[DigitQ[StringTake[s, 1]] || StringTake[s, 1] == "-", ToExpression[s], s]; g[s_] :=...
Thank you for your code. That is very helpful. When I try to evaluate your code I get errors Product::itraw: Raw object 1 cannot be used as an iterator. >> Product::vloc: The variable 1 cannot be localized so that it can be assigned to...
Perhaps ClearAll["Global`*"]; M = 100; sols = ? /. Table[FindRoot[Tanh[Sqrt[?]] - Tan[Sqrt[?]], {?, IG}], {IG, 10, 200, 50}]; f[x_, n_] := Sum[sols[[n]]^(2 i)/(4 i+2)! x^(4 i+2), {i,0,M}] - Sum[sols[[n]]^(2 i)/(4 i+2)!,...