User Portlet User Portlet

Yes. Any part of the Graphics3D expression can have its primitives manipulated if you can pattern match the structure. A nice way to get an overview of the expression structure is to slice it into layers by depth using InputForm and...
What code you have already is nearly a drop-in to thisManipulate[ (*u0=0;u1=4;u2=7;u3=3;*) >, {{u0, 0}, -10, 10}, {{u1, 4}, -10, 10}, {{u2, 7}, -10, 10}, {{u3, 3}, -10, 10} ]Changes are:...
This approch uses StringReplace to keep the "0" with the "0, 9" and drop the "0" from the "0, 5"StringReplace[pom2, {"0, 9" -> "09", "0, 5" -> "5"}]
This is giving me the same formula and diagram as your f[4]PolarPlot[genf[4], {x, 0, 2 Pi}] Works for even and odd n >= 4PolarPlot[genf[#], {x, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotLabel -> Row[{"n=", #}]] & /@ Range[4, 20] The way I arrived...
Modification of pInsert from stackexchange lets you go deeper[mcode]insertPart[origList_, repList_, posList_] := Module[{replaceRules}, replaceRules =Thread[Rule[#[[1]],Sequence[#[[2]], Part[origList, Sequence @@ (#[[1]])]]] & /@ Join @@ (Thread /@...
IntegerString may be the function you are looking for.IntegerString[1, 10, 3]
Since you asked for a rule, this one does what you want; notice //. is ReplaceRepeated. Also, notice use of Sequence to inject the finished structure back into the result with the edge items removed. The first tripple underscore a___...
For me NMinimize converged nicely to ~0.0045 after only five iterations, as long as t1 remains fixed at 10^-7 rather than growing larger each step, as in what is happening here in t1 = t1 + h.
StringCases use of StringPattern can also pull out matches with sub-strings StringCases[yourlst, "{8" ~~ __]{{}, {}, {"{80016}"}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}} ...
hashList = Dispatch[Thread[Range[10000] -> True]]; Tally[First@Timing[Replace[#, hashList]] & /@ Range[10000]]{{0., 10000}}Create a dispatch table.