User Portlet User Portlet

This will give you the desired FormPage behavior: CloudDeploy[ FormPage[ { "lat" -> Restricted["Number", {-90, 90}], "AutoSubmitting" -> False|>, "long" -> Restricted["Number", {-180, 180}], "AutoSubmitting"...
Specify that the FormPage UploadedFile input field should not automatically submit the form: CloudDeploy[ FormPage[ {"x" -> Restricted["UploadedFile", "Text"], "AutoSubmitting" -> False|> }, Import[#x, "Text"] &...
If you want an API to process an image, then look at StackExchange [APIFunction on Images][1]. If you want to email an image from an API, then look at Wolfram Community [Send Email with SendMail or an External Delivery Service?][2] Or is it...
Post to Twitter from the Wolfram Development Platform: CloudDeploy[ SendMessage["Twitter", "I sent this tweet from the Wolfram Cloud."], FileNameJoin[{$CloudRootDirectory, "SendMessageTwitter"}]] Desktop execution of this...
Alison has done great work putting the summer school application in the Wolfram Cloud! A Wolfram Blog post on the making of the summer school application could be very helpful to people developing other Wolfram Cloud programs. Perhaps you could...
A user moving through a multipage webform might have second thoughts or encounter information on later pages that causes them to want to go back and edit earlier pages. As discussed below, it probably isn’t possible for a multipage FormFunction to...
**Import HTML images** Deploy and test Sean Clarke's API: With[{cloudobject = FileNameJoin[{$CloudRootDirectory, "ImportHTMLImageAPI"}]}, CloudDeploy[ APIFunction[{"Website" -> "SemanticURL"}, First@Import[#Website,...
Whether it's better to use SendMail or an email delivery service will depend on your application. Right now the delivery service is likely the only solution if you need to send thousands of emails per month, anticipate even higher future volumes, and...
Here's the correct syntax: Graphics3D[{Opacity[0.5], Cylinder[]}, Ticks -> Automatic, Axes -> True]
The last time I checked, SendMail required a paid account on Wolfram Development Platform.