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Clayton Shonkwiler
Thanks! I just fixed the code (which was corrupted by a Wolfram Community bug), and of course you're quite right that it is 4 periods, not 5.
Some were `Pi` and some were `\[Theta]`. This is a Wolfram Community bug that seems to occasionally replace special characters with question marks. I think I just fixed it, but let me know if there are still problems.
One issue is that `"Hexagon"` is not a pre-defined texture. You'll need to make your own hexagon image that you want to use as a texture. For example, this code: hex = With[{t = 0., cols = RGBColor /@ {"#7696DB", "#562D7D"}}, ...
![Conformal image of parallel lines][1] ![Conformal image of parallel lines][2] **Rise** This is basically the same setup as [_Vanishing Point_][3] and [_:eyes:_][4], conformally mapping an infinite strip into the region between two circles,...
![Conformal image of a vertical grid][1] **Vanishing Point** This is essentially the same setup as [:eyes:][2]: the map $f(z) = \frac{-4i}{z}$ maps the infinite strip $\{z \in \mathbb{C} : 1 \leq \operatorname{Re}(z) \leq 2\}$ to the region...
![Minimum-stick 9-crossing knots][1] **Nines** In our paper ["New stick number bounds from random sampling of confined polygons"][2], my graduate student Thomas D. Eddy and I found many examples of polygonal knots made with fewer edges than...
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![Fourth power of a square grid in the complex plane][1] **Fourth Power** Continuing the series of conformal transformations ([1][2], [2][3], [3][4]). The first part shows a square grid in the first quadrant under the transformation $z \mapsto...
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