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Hi All, I've imported a dxf file generated in AutoCAD into Mathematica, processed it and now the file is exported in dxf format. I am trying to import the same file( exported from Mathematica) into AutoCAD and there is a problem. The file doesn't...
Hi All, This is a follow up to my previous question posted [here][1] that was about skeletonizing a 2D image (notebook is also available [here][2]). [This][3] was the input image used. I would like to ask for suggestions on how to obtain the...
I've the following system of equations for studying information flow in the below graph, $\frac{d \phi}{dt}$ = $-M^TDM$ $ \phi$ M is the incidence matrix $\phi$ is a vector with properties [ A B C D E F] [![enter image...
I've got an image and I want to obtain the centerlines of the image. ([Input image][1]) I could obtain the centerlines using the following commands img = Input_image gray = ImagePad[ImageCrop[ColorConvert[img, "Grayscale"],...
This is a follow-up to my post [here][1] The output of `Graphics[BezierCurve /@ cleanLinePoints]` gives an image like [this][2]. From the documentation , I understand BezierCurve command fits a cubic spline by default. I would like to relax the...
I've the following image, ![enter image description here][1] I'm using ImageGraphics command to obtain the data points of the centerline in the above image. However, the output contains disconnected pixels. I would like to generate a smoothed...
I'm trying to solve for the analytical solution of 1D transport equation to verify the results of the numerical solution. eqn = D[u[x, t], t] == D[u[x, t], {x, 2}]; ic = u[x, 0] == 50; bc1 = u[0, t] == 50; bc2 = D[u[1, t], x]...
I am using the commands given [here][1] to convert the following image to a graph of vertices and edges. InputImage = [link][2] SimplifiedImage=Pruning[Thinning[ DeleteSmallComponents[Binarize[Image], 40000]], \[Infinity]] ...