User Portlet User Portlet

Whenever the WRI approach gets too convoluted and you get lost in the thickets it can help to retreat to basics. Here is a definition for Planck's radiation law. PlanckLaw[\[Nu]_, T_] := (2 h \[Nu]^3)/c^2 1/(E^((h \[Nu])/(k T)) - 1) ...
Of course it wouldn't be a hack or a trick if WRI organized the user perspective of graphics from graphics primitives up instead of from set-piece plots down. I showed you a simple way it could be done - and you didn't like it. Are you...
You can't edit or change the Default.nb, or at least you shouldn't. It's part of the Wolfram Mathematica Installation and probably protected.. You can edit the stylesheet initially attached to your working notebook. Then install it under a different...
These special measures and workarounds for documentation are not sufficient. With Mathematica 5, EVERY USER could write documentation just by writing a text file. Granted it was not as good as the present paclet documentation. With Mathematica 10.4...
There are a number of possible solutions to this but there are various glitches. 1) Bring up the Ruler and use it to adjust the indenting by hand. You can bring up the Ruler with Mathematica Menu, Window, Toolbar, Ruler. But indenting a MatrixForm...
Have you tried using the PlotRange option? If you don't explicitly specify the PlotRange then Mathematica picks a plot range that it thinks shows the most important part of the plot. It has to do something like this because the actual plot range...
The three vectors (better expressed as Mathematica Lists with curly brackets) are the displacements of the three points from the origin. To define a plane the three of them should not be scalar multiples of one another. `{0,0,0}` is a scalar multiple...
I guess my first question would be: How much experience have you had with Mathematica? Have you ever written routine definitions or specifications? Have you ever used a Module or With statement? Have you ever written a usage statement or a statement...
You can select the Output cells by the right hand side brackets and then double-click. This will temporarily hide the Input cell and you can then print the notebook. As an alternative you can select the bracket of the Input cell and permanently...
If you care to design your own style sheet, then you can modify a lot of things like this by digging down into the Core.nb style definitions. The Suggestions Bar definitions are under: Styles for Mathematica System-specific Elements, Predictive...