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I thought I saw what the problem was. Now I see that I was mistaken. I'm sorry.
Your problem has lots of powers of and multiples of (2+3t)^(1/3) in numerators and denominators and products and sums. If you think very carefully, would it be possible for you to transform all your expressions into z==(2+3t)^(1/3) for powers and...
Your functions t[tau] and x[tau] depend on the value of a and you do not include a as an argument. Perhaps change those to t[a,tau] and x[a,tau] The size of your terms rapidly decrease in your infinite summations and integrals. You might look at...
Please check this very carefully before you even think of trusting this, make certain that I have not made any mistake in this. If I have made a mistake then perhaps you can guess what my thinking was and be able to correct this. ...
If all you want to do is to see the result then Plus@@Map[HoldForm,Drop[Divisors[8128], -1]] returns this 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+127+254+508+1016+2032+4064 But the appearance of that is different from what is behind the scene. You can...
In[1]:= $VersionNumber Out[1]= 14.1 In[2]:= {x[t],y[t],z[t]}/.FullSimplify[DSolve[ {x''[t]+t x'[t]+x[t]==z[t],y''[t]+y'[t]+y[t]==0,z''[t]+z'[t]+z[t]==0}, {x[t],y[t],z[t]},t]] Out[2]= {{(6*C[2] +...
I can't quite see from here what it is that you have done. Does this look anything like what you are trying to do? data=Table[{t,Sin[t+1/8]+RandomReal[{-1/10,1/10}]},{t,0,6Pi,Pi/2}]; ...
You assign a value to KfDke and then you use Kfdke in one place. You have ;; at the end of one line that should be one ;
This may or may not help you. If you try FullSimplify[Collect[Eliminate[{ x[1]==f11[x[2],y[2]], y[1]==f12[x[2],y[2]], x[2]==fx[x[1],y[1],x[3],y[3]], y[2]==fy[x[1],y[1],x[3],y[3]], ...
Try changing 2.3 to 23/10 and remove the FullSimplify and see if you can correctly manually simplify the result and get the same thing that FullSimplify gives you. Then try substituting the solution into each of your three original equations and...