User Portlet User Portlet

Just a heads-up for folks about a bug I just encountered in the new version 10.0.2 since this broke some legacy code of mine and can cause problems with a standard programming trick in Mathematica. In Version 10.0.1 the following works correctly: ...
Create an `EmbedCode` to use in an **HTML** page as in the following: EmbedCode[ CloudDeploy[ Manipulate[ Plot3D[Cos[x y \[Delta]] (\[Delta] + x y), {x, -6, 6}, {y, -6, 6}], {{\[Delta], 0}, -2, 2}], Permissions ->...
If one deploys a simple Manipulate containing a 3D graphic to the cloud as in CloudDeploy[Manipulate[Plot3D[Sin[x y+a],{x,0,3},{y,0,3}],{a,0,1}]] the resulting hosted cloud interactive object does not allow one to interactively rotate the...
Say I have a notebook that is using the Default.nb stylesheet and contains some cells with the "DisplayFormulaNumbered" style. Thus the notebook (attached) looks like the following: ![enter image description here][1] Let's say that this...
Although `FinancialData` gives the correct result for the current stock price: In[49]:= FinancialData["GS"] Out[49]= 190.002 If (at least as of today), one asks for historical data the results are completely wrong. E.g.: ...
For today at the current moment I am getting the following In[9]:= FinancialData["GE", Today] Out[9]= Missing["NotAvailable"] also Wolfram|Alpha is only returning data up to last Friday. However Yahoo finance (which is the...
Continuing along the lines of the question here but within Mathematica rather than Wolfram|Alpha... And using this as a prototype of a more general question.... How does one efficiently...
I am looking for advice on how to FTP files and directories directly from Mathematica. As far as I know, Mathematica does not have an internal FTP capability. I presumably could figure out how to use ftp or sftp from my Mac and write a Mathematica...
A new way to learn *Mathematica*.... click on the button for a random system function's documentation page... Button["Random Documentation", Quiet@Module[{choice, systemFunctions, messages}, systemFunctions = Names["System`*"];...
Quiet will suppress messages from the Kernel. Is there a simple way to do the same for messages that are from the FrontEnd? As an example of a FrontEnd message, execute NotebookOpen["nothing"]