User Portlet User Portlet

Diego Zviovich
Dear Christopher, Congratulations on the development of a very useful contagion network model. I have been working along the same issues using production networks (in which economic shocks are considered as disease propagation), which are...
New contributions were added: **Detecting Global Community Structure in a COVID-19 Activity Correlation Network** by Hiroki Sayama **COVID-19 SIR models: transmission, vaccination, herd...
You can double check the data here northSeaIndex = Import["\ data/N_seaice_extent_daily_v3.0.csv", "Data"]; title = First@northSeaIndex; northSeaIndex =...
## A few key sciences Medicine leads strongly much above even mathematics. WordFrequencyPlot[{"chemistry","geology","physics","mathematics","astronomy","biology", ...
![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...
![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...
Thank you so much [Jose M. Martin-Garcia][at0] for the response. I have several WMS servers in mind to target. (Example: [ARCGIS Living Atlas of the World][1] , [EOS Landviewer][2], [United States Census Bureau TigerWeb][3] amongst many. If there...
Cool stuff. I can't reproduce it on Mathematica 12, though. The image processing part at the beginning : x=ImageAdjust[Erosion[Dilation[DeleteSmallComponents[Dilation[EdgeDetect[i],20]],BoxMatrix[100]],120]] returns a black image.
An honor to be of service. Please follow Daniel’s request. Happy holidays.
I really enjoyed reading this Diego! I thought a recent post of mine might interest you, specifically in terms of schematic diagrams of compartmental models. Robert Nachbar actually made a CompartmentalModeling package that makes producing these...