User Portlet User Portlet

Eric: “If the variable definitions in the Block have no OwnValues, then they are treated as symbols.” This is valid if x is not global with value. “You can use a string, or you can wrap the symbol in HoldForm. Why would that not work in your...
Gustavo: thank you for your observation. I have switched to a control that uses the Button function (with random numbers) and everything works perfectly for me. Goodbye forever to the Inputfield. Thank you. Haans: Yes, the .CDF file works...
This code works. Module [{x1, x2}, Module [{}, x1 = "111"; ]; Module [{}, x2 = "222"; ]; Row [{x1, "-", x2}] ] The same code separated into three attachments does not work. What...
Thank you very much Alexey. All perfect. It's a bit difficult to know everything.
Thank you Gustavo, it works.
I wish to prohibit the use of shift-return and enter (execute, evaluate) when InputFied is being used. I can not filter these entries with EventHandler. Thank you very much.
I'm building interactive material for my classes I wish there were flickering, aids, questions, etc. I am using two panels, one for the graphics (left panel ) and the other for the explanations (right panel). I control the graph from the right...
Thank you Gianluca. I will sleep well tonight. :)
I want to build a function that returns an expression "canceled". There goes my code. SetAttributes[cancel,HoldFirst]; cancel[expr_]:= Show[ Graphics[{ {Arrowheads[{.04}],Arrow[{{-0.0001,-0.0001},{0.0001,0.0001}}]}, ...
Is it possible to deploy the outputs of two PopupMenus, in the same ouput? I want to control different graphics in a single output In general: Can I use a single output for different inputs? Thanks