User Portlet User Portlet

Gustavo Delfino
Maybe you could use `Sow[]` to collect the un-formatted results inside the `While` and then use `Reap[]` to get the collected values.
Javier, please always include the source code in order to be able to understand what the issue is. I tried with this and it seems to work: Solve[ {(o - x) (n - x - y - z) == (a - x - y) (b - x - z), (p - y) (n - x - y - z) ==...
Your notebook contains a Manipulate. As long as you don't use any `InputField` (or other advanced features), they should be able to use it with the free [Wolfram Player][1]. This used to be called FreeCDF. To do the same without those restrictions...
This is one way to create new window with a plot centered: CreateDocument[{ExpressionCell[ Plot3D[Sin[x y], {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}, ImageSize -> Full]]}, WindowSize -> Full]
I would not recommend that. The book is about 50% images.
The 1st line should be: getBooks[bookURL_String] := just a copy/paste error.
Have you tried setting the [AutoGeneratedPackage][1] notebook option to Automatic? This way you would auto-generate a "file test.m" file with the initialization code and without the Cell stuff. [1]:...
Hello Guillermo, The data is in XML format (representing a spreadsheet) but `Import` doesn't know that. If you provide "XML" as the second argument to `Import`, it works fine. However dealing with spreadsheet XML is not fun. As HTML is kind of a...
It looks like a bug. Anyway, this is longer but it works: Show[ Plot[ Evaluate@Map[Interpolation[#, InterpolationOrder -> 3][x] &, {dataMean, dataMedian, dataStDev}], {x, 1, Length[dataMean]}, PlotRange -> {{1, 10}, {10,...
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