User Portlet User Portlet

[@Sander Huisman][at0] thank you very much for the link. [at0]:
Thank you very much [@Gianluca Gorni][at0] for your useful explanantion. [at0]:
The goal is to solve a system of equations by using the palette (I know how to solve integrals, matrix multiplication etc by using palettes, but I am not able to use the one in the figure above). Is there any documentation which says that I cannot...
Hello [@Bill Nelson][at0], thank you very much for your precious help. [at0]:
I'm wondering if it's possible to use the Landau notation in Wolfram|Alpha. For instance, how can I check that x^3=O(x^2) where O is big o?
Hello everyone, I'm trying to draw a tree to visualize an exhaustive search without specifying all the nodes' positions in the graph. For example, I'd like to build a tree so that, given n=4 objects, the nodes with depth 1 are 4 (in the first one...
Thank you [@Gianluca Gorni][at0] [at0]:
Thank you for your code @GianlucaGorni, it's very useful.
Hello everyone, I'm trying to get a step-by-step solution of a system of symbolic equations: WolframAlpha["{-R3*IR3=Z*I2+VWE2,VIN/R4=IR3+IC3,ZC3*IC3+Z*I3+Z*I1+\ VWE1=0,I3=I1+I2,-VWE2-Z*I2+Z*I1+VWE1=0},{IR3,I1,I2,I3,IC3}", PodStates...
Hello everyone, I am wondering if there is a way to get the relationship between strain and stress in spherical coordinates with Poisson's ratio. I read the documentation here: ...