User Portlet User Portlet

Hello Michael, My last post was more a comment than a question but thanks for your reply. I am active in digital photography and am currently working on color distance questions where ellipses play an important role. Ellipses represent areas of...
Andrew, The files you posted do not download on my system (a forum bug? damaged pdfs?) so I can't help you specifically but the best place to start is to compile the tutorial examples and modify them to suit your needs. You should start with...
Hello Again, I should add that I am using Xcode Version 8.1 (8B62) on Mac. Andrew
The first Import returns the correct space (Lab). In[4]:= Import["Desktop/m9-lab-tests/lab-4pix-input.tif", "ColorSpace"] Out[4]= "LAB" The second returns the same (apparently) wrong values. In[5]:=...
Andrew, There are many people who could help you here, but you may want to provide an example to ground your claim. I do not see a problem with this: [mcode]In[366]:= image = Image[{{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}}, ColorSpace -> "RGB"]; ...