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In Mathematica the colon is reserved for optional patterns, it does not mean division. Try `\[Divide]`. Wolfram|Alpha reads the colon as a ratio, with a lower precedence with respect to the fraction symbol. It is a serious discrepancy between...
The third equation is differential.
Your code does not run because of syntax errors. I tried to restore it: mat = {{(-2 + x) Cos[\[Pi] (-2 + x)] - f (-2 + x) Sin[\[Pi] (-2 + x)], -f (-2 + x) Cos[\[Pi] (-2 + x)] + (2 - x) Sin[\[Pi] (-2 + x)], ...
Parametric minimization seems to be supported only in the algebraic case. You can algebrize your trigonometric problem, though: subst = {Cos[phi] -> x, Sin[phi] -> y}; TrigExpand[V[phi]] /. subst Minimize[{%, x^2 + y^2 == 1}, {x, y}]...
I didn't know about `$MaxPienewiseCases`. You can try increasing it Do you know in advance how many intervals you need? For a full analytical solution I would use exact numbers: \[Tau] = 25/10 10^-4;
Also, when you write expectedValues[m_] := Module[{cache = {}}, the variable cache is local. At the end of every call of `expectedValues`, the content of cache will be thrown away, I think.
You may try "eliminate".
You mean `6^(40-20)`? Yes, it can, but it is not streamlined in that direction. It takes some effort to work against the grain.
The solutions are real, despite their appearance: sol = Reduce[ DL[\[Phi], m0, m1, m2] == 0 && Element[{m0, m1, m2}, PositiveIntegers] && Element[\[Phi], Reals], \[Phi]]; FullSimplify[ComplexExpand[sol], m0 > 0...
Beware of the domain of `wp`: Plot[{((qe*B0/melectron)), wp}, {B0, -.002, .002}]