User Portlet User Portlet

Dean Gladish
You're using the discrete Fourier transform and the whole split-operator method thing to solve the two-dimensional Schrödinger equation. In the first code block, the wave packet with momentum primarily in the y-direction, is splitting into two parts...
Hello, Thank you for your question. I noticed that the initial approach had some issues related to visibility and interpretation, which might be why the figure was not coming out as expected. One issue was the presence of an "invisible"...
Yes, I mean--absolutely, these evaluations you've shared really illustrate the consistency and detailed comparison of nutritional content. We're beginning to focus on the magnesium and potassium content in sea vegetables and nuts, as well as a...
Oh do you mean defining the metric tensor g for a given spacetime..for example..the Schwarzchild metric in spherical coordinates..then we can tag these coordinates with variable values so that we can define them. I suppose there are three primary...
Hello Pewdi Pie12, welcome to the Wolfram Community and thank you for your first post! You've run into a common issue when switching between linear and logarithmic scales in plotting, especially concerning the behavior of asymptotic analysis plots....
In this post I hope to unveil new possibilities on a comprehensive review of Mathematica 14. What with the data that I've been discussing in my prior Wolfram Community post on Mathematica 13, I should make a post about Mathematica 14. Now, the data...
Style["Times, Italic, Bold", FontFamily -> "Times", FontSlant -> "Italic", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSize -> 24] Graphics[{FontSize -> 18, Text[Style["Comic Sans MS", FontFamily -> "Comic Sans MS", FontColor -> Red],...
I know it's the cherry blossom of metamathematics! What if you wanted to climb Mount. Fiji well I couldn't do it without your help.
data = {{0, 2}, {0, 4}, {3 Pi/8, 0}, {3 Pi/8, -2 Sqrt[2]}}; operator1 = {{1 + I, 1 - I}, {1 - I, 1 + I}}; operator2 = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}}; basis = {{1, 0}, {0, 1}}; initialState1 = {1 + I, 1 - I}; That's such a...
How can we increase accessibility of physics and math via the Wolfram Language? In this post, I would like to find out how an introductory usage guide can allow these formulas to be implemented with ease. quantities = {"Mass", "Distance",...