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Thanks a lot this work perfect!
Thanks for the answers but that is not exactly what i would like to do, here is the actual data: \[Omega]11 = 3.756; \[Omega]12 = 8.478; \[Omega]13 = 4.8002; \[Omega]14 = 4.002; \[Omega]15 = 4.803; \[Omega]16 = 10; ...
I have several files what i would like to plot at once, they are .dat files and they have names as a numerical sequence from 1 to 4 (they are about a hundred but for the example 4 are ok) so i use Do[ {p = Import["F:\\P3 S2 L3\\" ...
Hello  I am making a combination of two graphs; one made by ListPlot and other made by Plot to put them together i am using Show, i know how to put legends in graphs for both (ListPlot and Plot) but when i put them together inside Show [ ] the graph...
Thanks that fixed the problem i left the code here if someone needi it 
Hello I´m having a similar problem , i want to fit a Gaussian for this set of data (which is normalized) but i dont have notting [mcode]data = Import["$/normref.txt", "Table"]; dataPlot = ListPlot[data, PlotRange -> All]; Show[dataPlot] ...