User Portlet User Portlet

In Wolfram Language 12.2, several examples in the Documentation for VideoCombine fail with "VideoCombine: An internal error occurred: cannot mix video encoders from different backends." For example, try the very 1st example under Basic Examples: ...
Can anyone explain the results being returned here? I expected 1 entry to be returned, but I get 3. Am I doing something incorrectly? If not, then this makes me uncertain about trusting any of the data from this resource. ...
When I open the Wolfram Documentation Center, a new window opens to the Home page. If I select an item from the top category drop down (eg, Core Language & Structure -> Lists), a 2nd Documentation window will open to the Lists documentation page. Is...
While playing around with WSMLink, I've encountered an issue where WSMPlot returns and empty plot when plotting sensitivities. Plotting other simulation variables works fine. Here's an example right out of the WSMLink documentation for...
I happened to come across behavior that I don't understand when executing the following: `E^-(10^11)` When I execute the above expression, memory use on my PC goes the maximum installed RAM and the HDD usage goes to 100%. This locks up my PC. ...
In MMA v10, when I evaluate more than one Plot3D command, the frontend freezes. After about 10 seconds, the "Disable Dynamic Evaluation" dialog pops up. The frontend remains locked up after clicking either button. I must use the Win 8.1 task manager...
I just thought I'd throw this out to Wolfram and the community and see if it sticks. There has been a lot of interest in connected device support such as that for the Raspberry Pi and Arduino. There is also another set of platforms available that...
It seems like SetOptions does not work for at least some options for BodePlot. I assumed that the following code should set the options:SetOptions[BodePlot, {GridLines -> Automatic, ImageSize -> 500}];Checking the Options seems to...
The thread about the Leap Motion controller reminded me to ask about the SpaceNavigator. I have the SpaceNavigator. I works in other compatible applications on my Windows 7 PC. The SpaceNavigator is mentioned in the Documentation Center. There is...
Is there a method for sampling from a poplulation of n objects, without replacement, to generate k random partitions that doesn't use Reap/Sow? I want to sample from a poplulation of n objects, without replacement, to generate k random partitions...