User Portlet User Portlet

Try this: p = Plot[x, {x, -1, 1}, GridLines -> Automatic]; ImageForwardTransformation[p,ShearingTransform[Pi/4,{1,0},{0,1}],PlotRange->All] ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
This a good question. How to make the structure of a piece of WL code, in a notebook, easier to understand? I dont know how to do this "automatically". But it can be done manually. By rewriting the code in a `Code` cell (as opposed to to the standard...
Check this community post: [][1] [1]:
Try moving the righthand curly bracket in the arguments to `AudioGenerator`: Manipulate[ AudioGenerator[{"Sin",freq},length,SoundVolume->volume], {freq,100,3000}, {length,0.7,100.0}, {volume,0.01,0.08} ]
There is also [Iconize][1]. I find it convenient for permanently storing data in a notebook. No need to keep track of a separate file. [1]:
I cannot say what causes your problem. But I can reproduce your output. By specifying that it should be in `InputForm` (the default is `StandardForm`): Plot[Cos[x] + 1, {x, 0, Pi}] // InputForm
For `Information`, one can use the short form `?function` &[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
> And why not show the x-axis with x increasing from left to right, as > is customary on most of this planet. In 3D plots the option `AxesEdge` specifies placement of the axes. Check this: ...
Mapping `Factor` over the expression: &[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Using `Simplify` with assumptions : Simplify[{Sqrt[(a^2+b^2)^7],(a^2+b^2)^(7/2)},Element[{a,b},NonNegativeReals]]