User Portlet User Portlet

You were right. Somehow, during the OS X 10.13.5 update, things did go wrong. To fix it I installed the OS X 10.13.5 combo, then I trashed Mathematica, and reinstalled it from the dmg. Now Benchmark.nb is running. Thanks a lot.
Look for posts from Dr. Jonathan Kinlay of Systematic Strategies.
Hi, I was working with a notebook using Mathematica 11.0.1 earlier in the day. Then later on I moved the notebook to my other machine with Mathematica 11.2 and as I executed the first `Parallelize` command I received this: Get::noopen : ...
As I am trying to verify if the given result / `0.00241392` / before the False is good or not, I use a numerical path , that is I divide the `ImplicitRegion` into smaller rectangular areas, multiply the area with the inner product of the normal...
Does anyone run Mathematica under any Linux variant on a ODROID-MC1 ? If yes, was was the WolframMark score ? Thanks ahead, János
Hi, Let's say I have the following `ListLinePlot`: ListLinePlot[ Callout[Table[i, {i, 1, 20}], "list", Appearance -> "Frame"], PlotRange -> All, ImageSize -> Medium] It shows up as: ![enter image description here][1] ...
HI, I have a vector field in a form of `mHi3ret[x,y,z}={f[x,y,z],g[x,y,z],h[x,y,z]}`. I need to integrate the first component `f[x,y,z]` over a rectangular area. `f[x,y,z]` is has many tags in different forms of elementary function like: 1....
Thanks Marco. Then it is not just my nightmare. I am wondering if I should sent it to Support too.
What 3D printer did you use?
I do not see a problem there. If I discretize it like: Clear[mu0, a, b, c, gap, R] a = b = c = 0.01; gap = 0.00106; R = 0.1; mu0 = 10^6; lsttnqvrbmmf = ParallelTable[{{x1, y1, z1}, tnqvrbmmf[mu0, a, b, c, x1, y1,...