User Portlet User Portlet

Hi Sean, I saw the `HoldComplete[ReleaseHold[Hold[... ]` construct and the `ReleaseHold[...]` on the result when executed Michael's code in Mathematica, so I also tried `ReleaseHold[...]` on the `Entity[...]` line, but it did not worked. Of...
Alan, Thanks a lot. Now I start to "see". :-) Best, János
Hi, I have this little function: qExp[x_,q_]:= Module[{ret}, If[q==1,ret=Exp[x],ret=(1+(1-q)x)^(1/(1-q))]; ret ]; After setting up some variables: In[1]:= mat = Array[Subscript[a, ##] &, {2, 2}] Out[1]=...
I have a list containing lots of graphs as lists of rules. Here is one: In[152]:= tpaths[[2, 2, 200, 2]] Out[152]= {{{"ABT", "AEE", "AEP"}, {"AGN", "AIG", "AIV"}, {"AXP", "AZO", "BBT"}, {"BCR", "BEN", "CB"}, {"CCL", "CI",...
I posted a question here, but I found out that I mistyped, so the whole question became irrelevent. How to delete it? If I just empty out all the fields, the system is not cleaver enough to remove the post.
Hi Sean, It is at the installation defaults. In the meantime I realized that although I wanted to plot just one `32x32` frame from a stack of `1000x64`, but accidentally I left out the Part designation, so the data was given to `ListPlot3D` as an...
Henrik, Thanks, I will play with it. In the meantime I give here a simpler illustration of the problem. Looks to me that `ListPlot3D` has deeper handicaps built in. Let's see this line: Table[ListPlot3D[Table[i + j, {i, 1, k}, {j, 1,...
Thanks Guys for the replies. Yes, I ended up doing Arrowheads and Arrow. Table[{Graphics[ Table[{Arrowheads[Tiny], Arrow[{2*quadrantsize*ijtablelens[[i, j]] - quadrantsize, 2*wmlenslet[[n, i,...
Thanks guys, The major reason I wrote in the first place was the misstatement in the documentation that `Complement` does a sort. If it would have done a `Sort`, everything would be just fine, because Sort does not eliminate duplicates. Yes, I...
Tried that, did not work. It must be a limit set inside Mathematica. The machine is a MacPro with 64GB RAM 512GB internal drive, so even Virtual ram has plenty of resources. Interestingly I was able to print the Selection as a pdf. Printing it to...