User Portlet User Portlet

Jason Biggs
The only way I can think to use the built-in "FASTQ" importer chunk by chunk is to read in one entry as a string and then feed it to `ImportString`. Something like this works ClearAll@getFASTQRecord ...
I can't say why that's happening but I can reproduce it on 3 different browsers. Something you can do is find the "Download page" button on the bottom of the search results, and you have the option to download as a PDF.
Ali - I don't know what happened here, I was most certainly using version 10.xx - not sure which, but when I evaluate this now it doesn't work. The problem is the one mentioned by the OP here: ...
I'm glad to help troubleshoot - what kind of errors are you getting? What version of *Mathematica* are you using?
Another take on timeline plot of albums, this time with icons of album covers. I'd like to get the tooltip to show the album names rather than the DateObject: (*Ctrl+="bob dylan albums"*) ...
This was double posted, here and on the SE. `RegionPlot3D` doesn't always produce the nicest plots so I used the user-defined `contourRegionPlot3D` in the answer [here]( ![Mathematica...
I like the `EntityValue` method, since you can have it return a nested `Association` EntityValue[StarData[], {"EffectiveTemperature", "AbsoluteMagnitude"}, "EntityPropertyAssociation"]; But it's running unbelievably slow for me today,...
Are you writing the output to a file, in a data table format, or is it staying in the notebook? When outputting to a text file where I want a particular format (so that my fortran or python function can import it), there are various tricks to use...
Sadly our coverage for these properties is minimal, In[110]:= Length@DeleteMissing@ChemicalData[All, "DielectricConstant"] Length@DeleteMissing@ChemicalData[All, "Resistivity"] Out[110]= 133 Out[111]= 71
Then you need to formulate it as an `ImplicitRegion` reg = ImplicitRegion[ y^2 + z^2