User Portlet User Portlet

Thought I'd plug the blog where I used Jeff's visualization:
You can try a clean start If you haven't gotten through to support yet and this is still an issue, you can try a direct email:
I find it helpful to use MatrixForm as follows: (A={{2,4},{2,1}})//MatrixForm (C2={{6},{5}})//MatrixForm (A.C2 )//MatrixForm In this way, the MatrixForm is applied to the output of the Set (=) function rather than the second...
It may help to look at the Advanced Web Form Creation documentation: My impression has been that FormFunction was built to be used with CloudDeploy and that page...
Thanks for bringing this issue up. The behavior certainly appears inconsistent. I sent a report to our development team. It appears Marco Thiel provided a good work-around for this.
Yes, if you are still picking Keys at top level, the Select statement stays on top. You just work your way down to the test you want to provide: In[1]:= as = 1, b -> 1, d -> 2|>|>, y -> 1, b -> 2, d -> 2|>|>|> ...
You can test your ability to pass a script by writing a script with Print[1+1] This should print 2 to standard out. My output: $ math8 -script Test1.m 2 $ I executed a script with Put[1+1,"~/Test.txt"] with ...
The question is a little confusing. Are you trying to find x-y pairs for a range of values of x? Does the code y[x_]:=-(f+d x)/(a x+e) Map[{#,y[#]}&,Range[20]] do the trick?
First question, yes: graphics = {} Do[graphics=Append[graphics,drawCommand],{timeValue,0,01.,.2}] graphics An alternative formation might also be Table[drawCommand, {t, 0, 1, .2}] To the second question, it might help...