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Thanks for the answer. Ir is very helpful.
Hello everyone. I want to save Gaussian random points in a txt file and then load them and calculate the empiric pdf. However, I am getting an error if the number of elements is high enough. To keep it simple, I have prepared a small example. ...
I want to generate a sample of 100000 elements from `empiricPDF1` and I want for them to be always the same values. I want to store them in a vector if possible.
Best way to sample times of different interpolations. Hello everyone. I have 50 vectors of position vs time. The measurement moments are different for each one of the 50. I have interpolated them as ...
Hello everyone. I have a set of weather data, wind in the East-West direction downloaded from the ECMWF. It is avaiable freely [here][1], albeit it needs some processing. I want to use the [Shannon interpolation][2] to obtain an analytic...
Hello everyone. I have performed the [Karhunen Loève decomposition][1] of some data using the function [KarhunenLoeveDecomposition][2]. The code I have used is as follows: R1 = Flatten[Import["Realization1.txt", "Table"]] {bT, mT} =...
Thank you. This works fine!
Hello. I have some questions on how to implement propperly the KL expansion in mathematica using [KarhunenLoeveDecomposition][1]. I have constructed the matrix realizationMat. it contains 101 measurements of 90 Gaussian stochastic processes. I...
I am trying to generate a Gaussian random process usign the Karhunen-Loève expansion. I have the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a Gaussian kernel, a matrix of size 101*101 and a vector of length 101. I need to multiply each eigenvector for the...
Hello everyone. I have a vector called stochasticData.mat which size is 211302*50 and I need to perform the karhunen-Loève decomposition on it to calculate the [uncorrelated random variables][1]. Note that stochasticData.mat has 50 realizations of a...