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Hi, I want to know how to extract the value of X and Y Manipulate [], Hi, I want to know how to extract the value of X and Y Manipulate [] and assign it to use again in a recursive function. f[a_, b_, x_] := a x^3 + x^b + 4 ...
I do not work Snapshot [m], someone can help me ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=Snap.PNG&userId=321148
I want to know how to extract the values that are within the frame of Manipulate [], in this case {0,0,0} and assign them to new variables, or intruducirlas inside another manipulate[] as a recursive function
thank you very much, the last thing I would like to know is if I can somehow make it show me the values of Manipulate [] as tables. Manipulate[ FindRoot[{eq[Pn, k, a, h, d] == 0, x[Pn, h, d] == casax}, {{casax, 1}, {Pn,...
Bx1 = Px1 X1 - Py1 Yx1 - Pn1 nx1; (* eq 1 *) Bx2 = 1/(1 + r) (Px2 X2 - Py2 Yx2 - Pn2 nx2); (* eq 2 *) Lx = Simplify[Bx1] + Simplify[ Bx2] + [Lambda]1 (Log[ H] +...
This is how I save it sol = Solve[x + y == 2 && x - y == 1, {x, y}]; x = x /. Flatten[sol] y = y /. Flatten[sol] It says is an error