User Portlet User Portlet

Jason Martinez
Learn about our [new formula descriptions, diagrams and derivations][1] here. [1]:
Learn about our [new formula descriptions, diagrams and derivations][1] here. [1]:
For the new school year, Wolfram|Alpha is providing an assortment of improvements for our Step-by-Step formula functionality. One element is expanded steps to provide better context and physical understanding for a wide range of formulas in the...
`QuantityVariable` has the `Attribute` `HoldRest` (primarily to handle custom physical quantities like `"Mass"/"Mass"`). That interferes with the substitution with `%`. ``` SetAttributes[test,HoldRest] 1+1 test[1, %] (*Out[2]= 2 Out[3]=...
This is what the result Missing["NotAvailable"] result indicates. It means we do not have the data for those inputs. I suppose you could programmatically check substance, particle, property combinations to find the gaps. There may be some...
Its possible this result may be cached from earlier in your session (we do some saving of results from ThermodynamicData to speed up large repetitive calculations). I would try rerunning the calculation in a fresh session or kernel. You should see...