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The goal of the present problem is to be able to estimate the parameters $k$, $b$ and $m$ based on lists of known boundary conditions. This is what I have so far (*Constants*) g = 9.81; theta = {20,30,40}*(Pi/180); phi =...
[b]Note: This question has also been posted...
Hi, guys! I am to design a  two step gearbox. The first step is to choose the number of teeth in each cog wheel in order to achieve a gear ratio of 17.3. In other words: (N1 N2)/(n1 n2) == 17.3where N1 and N2 are the number of teeth...
Hi, again. The problem is this: I want to simulate the motion of the load given the following Torque profile from the motor: [img=width: 800px;...
Hi. I intend to plot a function with a term 'F' which is dependant on the value of 'y[t]': [mcode]m := 1200 k := 300000 b := 25 g := 9.81 F := If[y[t]
Differential equation is given by y''[t]==-(g/L)*Sin[y[t]] where y is the offset angle and t is time. I used the following...