User Portlet User Portlet

Kyle Martin
Can you post the exact code you use to create your plots? It's not obvious how to get from the CSV to your plots.
Try wrapping the whole query in Dynamic: ``` Dynamic[Position[cablearray, u]] ```
Gernot, can you provide a screenshot of what you're seeing on your machine, as well as information on what version/OS you're on?
Can you upload a .zip file of this entire directory so others can see exactly what you're working with?
1) `ListPolarPlot` seems to choose a bad `PlotRange` in this case, particularly with the `Interpolation` option. You can workaround this with the `PlotRange` and `PlotRangePadding` options, i.e. ``` ListPolarPlot[{pairsC0C180, pairsC90C270},...
Glad to hear the issue is resolved. Thanks for posting this, hopefully any others who run into the issue will see this post and be able to address things similarly.
Perhaps ``` In[6]:= FullSimplify[Log[a] + Log[b], a > 0 && b > 0] Out[6]= Log[a b] In[7]:= FullSimplify[Log[a] - Log[b], a > 0 && b > 0] Out[7]= Log[a/b] ``` is what you're after.
The first thing I would suggest is resetting Mathematica to its default configuration, as described here: Manually delete the directories described there. If at that point the issue persists, I would contact...
Neat, thanks for sharing! You might be interested in checking out some of Philip Maymin's work in the area as well, he's a influential Mathematica user who has done a lot of research in the same area: ...
To add to the comment by Hans, the issue is that you're trying to use `ListPlot` on strings of real numbers, not real numbers themselves. To get around this, Hans suggests using [`ToExpression`][1] to convert your strings of real numbers into...