User Portlet User Portlet

Kyle Martin
If you can't figure out the issue, I'd first recommend [resetting Mathematica to its default configuration][1] as oftentimes that will help with any issues you come across. If it's still failing to start properly after deleting the directories...
What if you specify `ContourStyle -> Thin`, so that the lines take up less space next to one another? Increasing the size of the output also can help, naturally. ``` k = Pi/16; streamline[psi_] := ContourPlot[(-(Exp[x] Sin[y])/(Exp[2 x] -...
What is the exact path the files resides on? Does it perhaps contain a non-ASCII character? If so, what if you moved it/renamed it to an ASCII-only path?
How do you suppose that `Tuples[{1,0},27];` has over 240m possibilities? 2^27 = 134,217,728 But 134,217,728 length 27 arrays might require well above the amount of memory available on some consumer machines. Generally if you're dealing with...
The Wolfram Public Cloud does not allow you to compile to C with `CompilationTarget -> "C"`. The default "WVM" compilation seems to work, however.
Is the data of JSON format? If so, Mathematica has JSON importers which may make this easy for you:
It's kind of cheesy, but if this is purely for visualization purposes, have you considered making the label `White` or completely transparent? ``` animate[obj_] := Animate[With[{v = RotationTransform[\[Theta], {0, 0, 1}][{3, 0, 3}]}, ...
Each activation key only works on one machine. If you have questions about the capabilities of your specific license I'd email customer support using this form:
This is neat! Thanks for sharing.
The main limiting factor you could run into (that isn't hardware related) is the number of [controlling processes][1] allowed to you by your license. That is, the type of license you have may limit the number of simultaneous instances of Mathematica...