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If you can't figure out the issue, I'd first recommend [resetting Mathematica to its default configuration][1] as oftentimes that will help with any issues you come across. If it's still failing to start properly after deleting the directories... |
What if you specify `ContourStyle -> Thin`, so that the lines take up less space next to one another? Increasing the size of the output also can help, naturally. ``` k = Pi/16; streamline[psi_] := ContourPlot[(-(Exp[x] Sin[y])/(Exp[2 x] -... |
What is the exact path the files resides on? Does it perhaps contain a non-ASCII character? If so, what if you moved it/renamed it to an ASCII-only path? |
How do you suppose that `Tuples[{1,0},27];` has over 240m possibilities? 2^27 = 134,217,728 But 134,217,728 length 27 arrays might require well above the amount of memory available on some consumer machines. Generally if you're dealing with... |
The Wolfram Public Cloud does not allow you to compile to C with `CompilationTarget -> "C"`. The default "WVM" compilation seems to work, however. |
Is the data of JSON format? If so, Mathematica has JSON importers which may make this easy for you: |
It's kind of cheesy, but if this is purely for visualization purposes, have you considered making the label `White` or completely transparent? ``` animate[obj_] := Animate[With[{v = RotationTransform[\[Theta], {0, 0, 1}][{3, 0, 3}]}, ... |
Each activation key only works on one machine. If you have questions about the capabilities of your specific license I'd email customer support using this form: |
This is neat! Thanks for sharing. |
The main limiting factor you could run into (that isn't hardware related) is the number of [controlling processes][1] allowed to you by your license. That is, the type of license you have may limit the number of simultaneous instances of Mathematica... |