User Portlet User Portlet

Kuba Podkalicki
![Random polyhedra walk in 3D space][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:
Unfortunately I don't have good news. I went with automatic dependency collection for APIs and Initialization>Get[...] in cloud notebooks. I am fortunate that there isn't anything fancy in my code like working with the LibraryLink, external...
Here are more ideas: [Automatically generating a dependency graph of an arbitrary Mathematica function?](
Here's a fun but less pretty related topic:
I am yet to dive in WPP but I want to help you live a `For`-free life :) hope you don't mind. Those are nothing but side notes. a) Since `matr` is a sparse binary array you can do: hyperlist = matr["NonzeroPositions"] And if it weren't...
This should do the job: ``` Button["Delete this application", NotebookDelete@EvaluationCell[]] ```
> How is this done without the use of List? Just ``` If[StringPart[#, -1] == ".", # "0%", # "%"] & @ ToString @ Round[100*#[[2]], 0.1] ``` but consider: ``` ToString[NumberForm[100 #[[2]], {Infinity, 1}]] "%" & /@ {{,...
Hi, please read [SE: Programming with Dynamic]( for deeper understanding.
No I did not. To force loading from the workspace rather than the default paclets directory I tend to do PacletUninstall /@ PacletFind @ "name" It can only uninstall from default repo so don't worry about the workspace. If you have...
Another alternative: #y, KeyDrop["y"]@#|> & /@ assoc