User Portlet User Portlet

Leonid Shifrin
# Preamble This is an answer to a question [HERE][1] on how one can organize multi-file projects in Mathematica / WL. There are two main axes in this problem, and they are - Loading procedure / loading sequence - Namespace / context...
*NOTE: The original version of this post appeared [HERE][1]. Cross-posted here per suggestion of [@Vitaliy Kaurov][at0]* ---------- I feel this is a good opportunity to list some error-checking techniques. I will discuss those I'm aware of, and...
*NOTE: The original version of this post appeared [HERE][1]. Cross-posted here per suggestion of [@Vitaliy Kaurov][at0].* ---------- #Preamble I had a [talk][3] devoted specifically to this topic, on Second Russian WTC in 2014....
*NOTE: Please see the original version of this post [HERE][1]. Cross-posted here per suggestion of [@Vitaliy Kaurov][at0].* ---------- I'll just throw in a few random thoughts in no particular order, but this will be a rather high-level view...
*NOTE: Please see the original version of this post [HERE][1]. Cross-posted here per suggestion of [Vitaliy Kaurov][2]. Also note, that there is a [related discussion][3] on effective applications of associations, which, in my view, nicely...
*NOTE: Please see the original version of this post [HERE][1] where original questions that motivated this post were formulated. Cross-posted here per suggestion of [Vitaliy Kaurov][2]. Also note a [related discussion][3] on the interplay between...
*NOTE: Please see the original version of this post [**HERE**][1]. Cross-posted here per suggestion of [Vitaliy Kaurov][2]* *Also note: This post has been reposted verbatim, and as such is rather dated. While I believe that it is still mostly...
*NOTE: Please see the original version of this post [**HERE**][1]. Cross-posted here per suggestion of [@Vitaliy Kaurov][at0].* ---------- Since Mathematica is a symbolic system, with symbolic evaluator much more general than in...
*NOTE: Please see the original version of this post and related discussion [**HERE**][1]. Cross-posted here per suggestion of [Vitaliy Kaurov][2].* ---------- You will find a lot of information in [this][3] answer. I will add a few...