User Portlet User Portlet

Matthias Odisio
Hi Fred, We presented a tutorial at CVPR in June. [Go to the tutorial page][1] and follow the link to the presentation notebooks to get inception3. I have already used successfully inception3's features; you just need to `Drop` the last layers...
I see. Good luck with the further optimization!
Every once in a while I want to create a simple photo gallery without giving my pictures to a vendor online. ImageMagick would do that type of thing, but it's hard to work around some annoying bugs. The attached Mathematica notebook creates a...
Your 1D approach can be extended to 2D. Alternatively, you can specify range of positions with `ImageValue[image, {xmin ;; xmax, ymin;; ymax}]`.
Thanks for sharing! It looks like a good processing for enhanced visualization of some medical images.
Hughes, This sketch uses `Erosion` with a kernel that has the size of your small images: pills = Binarize[i]; res = Erosion[pills, BoxMatrix[radii], Padding -> 0]; pos = PixelValuePositions[res, 1]; These positions `pos` are...
Jeff, Your application will interest many. I can not comment much on the interactive setup part. To address the speed issue, you may want to `Import` batch of images in advance so that when a user makes a choice, the next pair of images is...
If one is looking for yet another Saturday morning project, what about doing some image processing on cropped regions of the original prints to extract the typeset positions of the satellites, and then seeing what `FindFormula` is able to derive. Of...
Peter, With a 16 bit image, the possible range of pixel values is from 0 to 65535. One can not store a pixel value higher than 65535. Attaining this value in an image does not necessarily mean that the image i saturated. For example, after...
That looks like good restoration, Markus. Thanks for sharing it! For comparison, see below the results of the function `Inpaint` with two different methods yielding similar results. You'll also be pleased with the speed. ![enter image...