User Portlet User Portlet

When I use a frame on a GeoListPlot, the longitude labels are correct but the latitude labels are not. GeoListPlot[GeoPosition@{{32, -122}, {33, -123}, {34, -124}}, Frame -> True] ![GeoListPlot with incorrect latitude labels][1] ...
When I do any 3D plots, the axis labels show up as unreadable gray squares. For instance: Plot3D[Sin[x+y^2],{x,-3,3},{y,-2,2}] ![Plot3D with illegible axis labels][1] 2D plots look fine, so it's only the 3D stuff that's affected. I've...
I'm trying use NMinimize to determine the parameters of a model, but I'm having problems using OutputResponse as part of the objective function. The model represents lithium-ion cells used to power an autonomous underwater vehicle. I can measure a...