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A textbook has this: For any two integers (positive, negative, or zero) n and m >= n I tried to translate into Mathematica thusly: Given Element[n | m, Integers] && { n > 0 | n 0 | m = n Does that make sense and work in Mathematica...
I would think, by now, the LaTex parser can translate $ \\ log _{c} c=p$ Tex fragment correctly instead of making me rewrite it?? Is this a bug or a limitation of the Tex parser? Am I misunderstanding something; sorry for being dense?...
I was experimenting with some basic math and wanted to see if the Kernel would evaluate the following correctly: a^(p/q) == Power[a^p, q^-1] It returns unevaluated, then I tried: a^(p/q) === Power[a^p, q^-1] it returns False. ...
Drawing upon the Association version of my organizing of Core Language symbols/functions, I tried to create a hierarchical PopupMenus to provide a GUI for that Association dataset. However, there are flaws with my coding; so it needs to be more...
Using DynamicModule, I created by ( function name, mkSymBtn) a powerful ActionMenu widget so it can save its definitions. It works great; note each is unique by name and use; tried to use unique var names too (though learning how to use Unique...
Been exploring more WolframMathematicaData...hit a speed bump.... So, I can grab this: WolframLanguageData["Button"][ "DocumentationExampleInputs"][[2]][[2]][[1]][[1]] which gives me an ExpressionCell thats this: ...
Yes there an example of MFD calling data from DLMF but when I try to go to other sections: MathematicalFunctionData[ Entity["Source", "DigitalLibraryOfMathematicalFunctions"] -> "1.2(i)"] or try: ...
I can't figure out the right way to do this: foo[symb1_] := Module[ {}, Switch[Head@symb1, Symbol, symb1 = ToString@symb1, String, symb1]; foo2[symb12_String] := Button[symb12, Speak@symb12]; foo2@symb1 ]; ...
Seeking wisdom and knowledge how to understand and solve $CellContext` problems in reported errors. Spending time thrashing about trying to figure it out is not helpful. The Doc Center is rather unhelpful. Thanks. ps. why does dynamic prevent...
I would like to convert a format like this: {"y", {"a", "b", e}, {"c", g, h}, {"d", v, u}...} The first item of each list is a string, the rest of the list is a mixture of strings or list. Goal to Convert {"y", {"a", "b", e}, {"c",...