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I have an piece of code, In[1]: InputForm[N[Pi]] Out[1]: 3.141592653589793 In[2]: y = N[Pi]*10^(-10); In[3]: InputForm[y] Out[3]: 3.1415926535897934*^-10 In[4]: z = 1. + y; In[5]: ...
I have read since Version 10.0 (released in 2014), Splice has been superseded by FileTemplate. [Splice Doumentation][1]. I used splice to create C-functions in easy way by calling Mathematica functions. I have taken the next example from [CForm...
I have development my own NDSolve function in C language: void MyNDSolve ( void odefun (), double *u, double xmin, double xmax) { ........... } where Odefun is name of a function coded in C. I want to be call it from...
I have one doubt about packages. I have implement two packages where package1 call a function which is defined in package2. Is correct the next implementation? I have errors. BeginPackage[["Package1"] myfunction::usage=""; Begin["Private"]; ...
I want to plot a Histogram, Mu = Mean[Hamerdif]; Sigma = StandardDeviation[Hamerdif]; ir1 = Histogram[Hamerdif, {\[Sigma]/2^6}, "PDF"]; But sometimes I have the next error. I do not understand why. ...
I have to write scientific article with latex. I must import some graphics from a Mathematica Notebook. What is the better way to do? Does anybody know good references with explanations about it? Thanks