User Portlet User Portlet

Consider the following code: Table[NMaximize[{NIntegrate[(a*(1 - 0.25*z - (1 - 0.25)*x)*x + a*(0.25*z - y + (1 - 0.25)*x)*y)/b, {a, 0, b}], z = Min[1, (x - y*0.3)/(1 - 0.3)], b*(1 - y)
Hello all, Let's say we solve maximization problem and create a table for a specific range. An example: c1 = Table[NMaximize[{(x*y - y^2 + x - x^2)*a/2, 0 0.666667, y -> 0.333333} In order to solve another problem, I need to use these x...