User Portlet User Portlet

Robert Nachbar
Thank you for your thoughtful response! I agree that looking into further heuristics would be interesting, and more realistically represent strategies that players can relate to. If you refer to my other comment, I did some exploration into the final...
Dear Christopher, Congratulations on the development of a very useful contagion network model. I have been working along the same issues using production networks (in which economic shocks are considered as disease propagation), which are...
"ReplaceSubstructure" does reorder atoms because it can handle arbitrary pattern replacements where the number of atoms can change. For the bullvalene rearrangement the pattern and replacement have the same number and type of atoms and attached...
Have you looked at the functions in the ```"DifferentialEquations`InterpolatingFunctionAnatomy`"``` context. It's documented [here][1]. [1]:
New contributions were added: **Detecting Global Community Structure in a COVID-19 Activity Correlation Network** by Hiroki Sayama **COVID-19 SIR models: transmission, vaccination, herd...
There are several resources listed in the SOURCE METADATA section of the CompartmentalModeling [home page][1]. The three books about mathematical epidemiology modeling are my primary general references. For specific topics, diseases, or models I go...
Thank you very much for your comment I appreciate it. I am very interested in the study of epidemics and population growth the book I usually use is *Mathematical Models in Biology - An Introduction* by Elizabeth S. Allman and John A. Rhodes...
Count me in for a chapter on Mancala. I'll be extending my current results for [WTC][1], also. [1]:
Hi Paul, Thanks a lot for your message. Here are the answers to your questions : Q1. How does this apply to any given amino acid sequence - is it possible to run any sequence? Ans : Unfortunately no. In general all functions in the paclet...
As promised above -- check out the [paclet "MermaidJS"]( : [![enter image description...