User Portlet User Portlet

Todd Rowland
What do you think will be the next big breakthrough? AI, physics, immortality, mars, fusion. I posted a [**one question survey**][1] on the cloud to let people voice their opinion. Recently, Stephen Wolfram was [blogging about AI][2]. This one...
The dates for the Wolfram Summer School are June 19 - July 8 at Bentley University in Waltham Massachusetts. We just put up an application form for the Wolfram Summer School at Click Apply Now before...
Nature versus nurture, the classic question. But what does it mean for artificial intelligence (AI)? I was just reading the [latest blog][1] from Stephen Wolfram on how to talk to AIs, and was thinking how it seems like the AIs are getting pretty...
Every year our family makes costumes, and this time we are making "the world" and an "oak tree". Does anyone have any ideas for doing these in Wolfram Language? Maybe for the world, I am thinking of projecting the map of the world onto two halves...
Are there solar systems with chaotic orbits? When astronomers look for exoplanets they look for periodic signals in the brightness of the central star. The analysis relies on predictable behaviors. But I have always wondered whether there are...
Announcing more summer fun with two new programs for innovators: [Wolfram Innovation Summer School][1] This is for all ages, for making new products and companies. Its structure is based on the science summer school.. [Wolfram Tech...
Everyone's favorite preschool activity is finding things to count. Following the general idea of finding things for parents to program with their kids, I was showing my kids some cellular automata. The first thing they wanted to do was count the...
Here is an activity I did with my kids, to have some fun programming together doing something they know, or at least have some vague idea of what it is. For them, as preschoolers, writing letters. They at least know what it should look like. Trial...
Take a look and consider applying to this year's summer school for doing projects using Wolfram Language Most students are in their early 20s but the range has been 14-76. The Wolfram Science Summer...
With 5 point-source lights in a square room, what is the optimal configuration for even lighting? To make this question concrete, say that each wall has length 1, the room has no height (i.e., two dimensional) and we have five...