User Portlet User Portlet

If this is purely to prevent students from messing with your computer you could always run mathmatica itself on a virtual operating system~linux or something to make it incredibly difficult for them to access anything.
[mcode]memList = { MemoryInUse[]}; Graphics3D[ { PointSize[Small], Point[Dynamic[Refresh[memList ~~ Join ~~ MemoryInUse[]; RandomReal[1, {1000, 3}], UpdateInterval -> 0]]] }, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, ImageSize -> 1000]...
You can manually specify the plot range.a = 5; Plot[Sin[x], {x, -a, a}, PlotRange -> {{-a, a}, {-a, a}}]Alternatively you can set the aspect ration of the graph.Plot[Sin[x], {x, -a, a}, AspectRatio -> 1]Not sure if this...
The obvious question when dealing with graphics3D is why can't I just render it with shadows, or gravity, or the general functionality of a 3D modelling program. It seems as though we have to individually reprogram whichever bit of maya's, or...
Hi, I am Russell Hart. I am in highschool; fear my insanity. I dislike intresting things that are taught in highschool, because the teacher's ruin it. Other than that; SPARKLY math things! Distracted by mathematica's mindwarping powas. Why is there...
Wolfram (Almost) PseudoCode I feel like it pretty sums up mathematica.
Well... yes sorta, but no. Blender, or 3D program trials are your friends! Exporting geometry in a stl or obj is relatively straight forward. References: [b][url=]Shadows in...
I enjoy generating awesome looking fractals!  Incendia is a program that quickly generates and allows you to view them. You can export files in a raw list format, you can convert this into usable data by parsing it into a 3d list. It also attaches a...