User Portlet User Portlet

Russell Foltz-Smith
pulled out my old Wolfram Summer School [NKS summer school project from 2008][1]. (i was so young then! hahaha!) "**Project: perturbing turing machines** a.k.a terpurbing gurint sachinem Vermont, Summer 2008 **Background** > And the...
## LLM Embeddings and Philosophy are Easy and Fun to Use with Wolfram Lang ## ### Overview of Project ### - Get some Philosophy texts (Code of Hammurabi, Wittgenstein, my own (Russell Foltz-Smith)) - Clean/Tag it a bit - Use Atlas to...
Try as I might in digging through the LLM documentation, paclets and libraries for the LLMfunctionality and the chatnotebook stuff... i cannot find where I can change the default and/or the options of the Chat-enabled or Chat-Driven notebooks to use...
Hello! I am hiring for a full time Computational Chemistry for one of my companies, SmarterSorting. Very much a WolframLang, WolframAlpha opportunity. Company is based in Austin, TX, but this role can work anywhere. If you love Wolfram,...