User Portlet User Portlet

Russell Foltz-Smith
pulled out my old Wolfram Summer School [NKS summer school project from 2008][1]. (i was so young then! hahaha!) "**Project: perturbing turing machines** a.k.a terpurbing gurint sachinem Vermont, Summer 2008 **Background** > And the...
## LLM Embeddings and Philosophy are Easy and Fun to Use with Wolfram Lang ## ### Overview of Project ### - Get some Philosophy texts (Code of Hammurabi, Wittgenstein, my own (Russell Foltz-Smith)) - Clean/Tag it a bit - Use Atlas to...
oh this works very nicely! thank you for this. that project we did together was so lovely and good. i also have some version of the code. one day, perhaps, i will revisit some of those concepts!
Hello! I am hiring for a full time Computational Chemistry for one of my companies, SmarterSorting. Very much a WolframLang, WolframAlpha opportunity. Company is based in Austin, TX, but this role can work anywhere. If you love Wolfram,...
Thanks for this. Been hacking away in Mathematica for all these reasons... it's promising for a lot of reasons and then it's also adding to the computational irreducibility. I think its biggest value is going to be as "glue" between formal...
I haven't seen the larger models posted yet. any chance those can get up?