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The wave function, on which I wanted to apply Fourier Transform, was a bit more complex. But then I realized that Mathematica can't perform Fourier Transform, in general, on periodic signals such as SquareWave, TriangleWave and SawtoothWave. Knowing...
Thanks for your reply.. Any idea, why this final answer didn't appear until this third rule was applied? It seemed logical, that this answer would result automatically without additional rules. The application of FullSimplify should have helped....
Found an answer. Thanks.
Hi Marco, Thanks for your reply. Actually, I was trying to find the intersection points of a curve and a line through NSolve. Obviously, I made a mistake that made Mathematica completely deaf. So you are right, the corrected version of the example...
My bad. However. It seems that Mathematica is kind of broad minded, when it comes to "Poltzmann" instead of "Boltzmann", That's to say, it shows the same constant with the same dimensions. Thanks for the answer.
Thanks for your reply. The method, you suggested, worked perfectly. And it seems that I am going to use it. However, I was hoping that the Mathematica-Command "Export" can do that automatically, since I have a list of formulas that I want to export...
Hi, I disagree with most of what you said. But thanks anyways for your participation.
I see. Thanks for the reply.
Yet, your solution is neat. Which makes me wonder whether q and p have, in fact, real values. I guess, this will be my next exploration step. But regardless of this, I will keep this way of function-analyzing in mind whenever Solve[] fails. Thanks....
Thank you.