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When $x \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2)$: $$E\left[\sin(x)\right] = \sin(\mu)\;e^{-\frac{\sigma^2}{2}}$$ Reference: [Compute E(sinX) if X is normally...
So, is this a useless result?
This is how Mathematica appears on the 4k display of my machine with Ubuntu 18.04. ![enter image description here][1] For comparison I leave the Options window open. I certainly can set Notebook Maginification to 200% in order to be able to...
How is the Dot product implemented in Mathematica? Let's take for instance matrix multiplication. I have a C++ function which does that in a more or less traditional way, but also making appropriate use of the cache memory, with parallelism and...
I have a data-set on which I want to run the `Classify[]` function. To extract features I will make use of the `FeatureExtraction[]` function. My question is: should I extract the features before I split the data into the training set and...
But, it should give me at least the same solutions as the ones obtained when solving over Reals, no?
Thank you, Sander. Exp outside and Random Number generation with specified mean and standard deviation is a nice tip. I don't know very well how to write Mathematica code to be compiled in C. Nevertheless, I tried that below, but it does not...
I have a poor machine, Gianluca.. and a bit weird I guess, because it gives me that the implementation with "=" is slower than the one with ":="
Seemingly an easy task: How to adapt the code above to produce a matrix of real numbers? Here are the changes I have done so far: #include "WolframLibrary.h" extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int...
[Overleaf][1] is a nice website which allows collaborative writing and publishing of LATEX documents. I am currently working on a document. I need to make some modifications to the file there. To give a simplified example, in the hyperlinked...