User Portlet User Portlet

Sander Huisman
![enter image description here][1] A few weeks ago I was watching the excellent [Numberphile video on the game of Frog Jumping][2]: ![enter image description here][3] [Watch it here][4] if you haven't already. The video talks about the...
![enter image description here][2] The other day I was watching a video on the wonderful Numberphile channel about the illumation problem. Check it out [here][1]. It's about light bouncing inside a closed room where all the walls are covered by...
In case you missed the first two parts check them out before reading this post: - [The Chaos Game - Sierpinski triangles and beyond - part I][1] - [The Chaos Game - part II][2] Today on the menu is to go from triangles, squares, pentagon,...
![enter image description here][1] A couple of weeks ago I posted my first [The Chaos Game post][2]. This will be a continuation on that, exploring some new ideas. Please make sure to read [the previous one first][3]. And once you're finished with...
Dear All, I have the following data: value = {3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17}; weights = {11396160,108204708,262511086,298022123,200846772,91005916,29926435,7513828,1495797,242405,32428,3602,358,42,1}; ...
EDIT: See also the follow up posts [here.][1] and [here][2]. ![enter image description here][3] Roughly 8-9 years ago a friend of mine told me I could make the Sierpinski triangle by starting at one of the vertices of an equilateral triangle,...
Dear All, I have a code looking something like: ClearAll[x] x[]:=RandomInteger[10,{100,1000}] x[]//ByteCount MaxMemoryUsed[total=Sum[x[],{i,1000}]] However my function x is much more complicated and computer intensive. A...
Dear All, I have the following binary file format: 1. Every 'frame' starts with an "UnsignedInteger32" which gives the number of datapoints. Then for each datapoint of that frame it is the following form: 1. number of cameras as...
![enter image description here][1] Code ---- This created the background: vc=N@PolyhedronData["RhombicHexecontahedron","VertexCoordinates"]; fi=PolyhedronData["RhombicHexecontahedron","FaceIndices"]; ...
Dear all, Many have perhaps done the infamous equivalent resistor of a cube question in their physics or (electrical) engineering classes. It is quite tricky as one can not reduce the resistors using the simple series-rule and parallel-rule for...