User Portlet User Portlet

Robert: Thank you so much - that was a very helpful discussion, and I will go through the other discussion thread that you linked to. The one problem with choosing to fit to an exponential model (because the outbreak is in its exponential...
So here's how to do this for arrays of coordinates: SetPrecision[ Interpreter[ "GeoCoordinates"][{"(36.3322280727381,-108.913240371752)", "(37.332280727381,-106.91320371752)"}], 9] {GeoPosition[{36.3322281, -108.913240}], ...
I recently discovered that my full version of V12 for Mac has at least a good subset of SystemModeler functionality now included in the Mathematica package. When I loaded the new V12 for the Raspberry Pi, it appeared that SystemModeler was not...