User Portlet User Portlet

Stian Ramsnes
Join the creator of FeynCalc, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, tomorrow, April 24th at 10 AM CST! He will be discussing new features of FeynCalc 10 and how to use the Mathematica package.
The paclet ["StianRamsnes/MaXrd"]( is a good example to showcase the paclet...
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How about something like this? ``` DateListPlot@FinancialData["BTC/USD", {Now - Quantity[24, "Months"], Now}] ```
I have found that the auto-complete code also works with version 10.0, as you say, but if I have ``` Get["MaXrd`Core`AutoComplete`"] ``` in the `MaXrd/Kernel/init.m` file _and_ the package is loaded on startup with
I think the standard way to do this is to create an init.m file in the FrontEnd/Kernel folder. Then in the init.m file you read in all the packages that make part of the application and do anything else you may need to do as part of the initiation.. ...
Unfortunately no. I do make use of that, though, when making my autocompletions.